Friday, June 5, 2009

ok ok ok ok

The final seasons of “Family Matters” completely abandoned any pretense of realism or common sense. The Winslows adopted an inner city black kid named 3J, Steve Urkel managed to clone himself, make himself cool, make himself into Bruce Lee, transport himself to Paris and time travel with Carl to pirate times.

ABC dropped “Family Matters” for its final season but CBS picked it up. Harriette Winslow was recast by Judyann Elder after JoMarie Payton played the role for nearly 200 episodes. Laura Winslow realized that she actually loved Steve- the boy that had stalked her repeatedly and consistently for over a decade- and not Stephan Urquelle, Steve's super douchey Nutty Professor-esque alter ego. Steve continued to destroy the Winslow's house, showing no remorse, while the audience was still supposed to feel bad for Steve when Carl got angry at him.

The final episode was an edge-of-your-seat two parter. Steve wins a contest and goes into space with NASA. After a mishap during a space walk, he's caught adrift in the cold void of nothingness. He's able to fix his predicament by hot wiring a satellite and using its rocket boosters to bring him back to the space shuttle- all with the best graphics 1998 television had to offer. And Laura agrees to marry him.

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