Thursday, October 9, 2008

Christian Bale in Batman....

...Was not as nearly as hard as Christian Bale in Newsies.
(And yes, I am watching Newsies right now.)

Am I the only person who thought Harry Connick Jr should have played Will Smith's role in Independence Day?

Kathie Lee Gifford needs to be shot in the throat.

My dad interrupted me while I was in the bathroom yesterday screaming that he needed me to drive him to the ER. So I ran out and he was laughing hysterically. Apparently he was getting me back for making him watch that "wierd queer shit". He was referring to Kids In The Hall. I told him Sean gave it to me for my birthday.
"Sounds about right," he replied, "wierd shit from a wierd kid".

I'm making bracelets that read "W.W.C.D.B.D".
What Would Casey Daniel Barclay Do.
Let me know if you want one. 15 dollars each.
I'll be selling them at the Chico Farmers Market.

Crutchie sure could dance for a cripple.

I'll be busy from 5:30 til 11:00. Dodgers in the playoffs, The Office and Its Always Sunny.
The cables out at my house so I'll be watching it in the heathens room while he's at work.
He will not be aware of this until he arrives home from work.
And then he will proceed to bum the fuck out.

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