Friday, April 4, 2008

the white accord is going 88 mph straight down.

I sold the white Honda yesterday. Its a 1992 but I think its been dropped thru the branches of the Hamm family for 70 some odd years. I would like to think that. Shit I collected out of the car moments before putting the nail in the coffin?: A book on space travel, Hamms Bluetooth he was psyched on for a day, a dirty ribbed condom, lighter fluid, a match book with a topless pin up girl on it and a polaroid of Clint taken upside down. As I slowly drove away, I turned the radio on and as the car was being towed up the truck bed System of a Downs "Chop Suey" went into the breakdown about "angels deserving to die".

I thought that was fitting.

I wish I had a picture of her to put up but nobody ever thought it was deserving of it.

Probably because it was a fucking 92 Accord.

In all seriousness, she will be missed.

Thats the way she goes.

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