Thursday, February 14, 2008

valentines day.

I made the conscious decision to head westbound instead of eastbound when I stepped off the bus today after work. Eastbound is the apartment. Westbound is the liquor store. Sale on liters of Popov. The orange juice was almost the same price as the vodka. I'm still trying to figure that one out. Gary was delivering flowers all day to Mexican house cleaners. Apparently you have to spell "Mexican" with an upper case "M".
One more thing. John, if you're reading this, Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.
I wonder if Sean's Asian(apparently you have to spell Asian with an upper case"A" as well) roommate will leave the dorm for a night so Sean and Shiva can go off. They just might have to settle for the Del Taco parking lot.
Bianca's lost her got damn marbles, bearings, mind etc etc etc...
Clint's the most sane one out of the group. I really mean this. I had that epiphany on the bus yesterday when a small Indian(apparently you have to spell Indian with an upper case"I" as well) boy started crying until he saw the McDonald's sign.
Gary's going to be pissed when he gets back home and sees how much vodka Ive drank.
Jesus Christ. Camerin just blew my chances with Bijou Phillips.
things dont look good.
the whips blow back.

happy valentines day assholes.

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